Has It Really Been Three Years?

Has it really been three years since I last posted here?  It seems that way.  As you can read in my other blog, I haven't been well.  And, given the harshness of the winter of 2013-2014, with so many plants dying, I didn't have the heart to comment on it last year.  I have the photos for 2013 and 2014 and may some day get around to posting them.  This past winter, 2014-2015, was much worse than the previous, which was bad enough.  Profuse snow, bitterly cold, with biting dry winds.  What had managed to survive the previous winter pretty much up and died this year.  I have very few roses left — most died, including, sadly, Zephirine Drouhin, which had contracted rose rosette virus toward the end of last year.  The Crepe Myrtle, bred to take our climate, couldn't deal with this past winter and also died.  I think I have, perhaps, six roses left.  I don't know that I will plant any this year, letting the beds lie fallow and giving them a chance to regenerate; also giving any pathogens a chance to die off.  I thought, honestly, that winter would never go away.  It finally did and I've been out and about, tallying up the damage.  My Lilac is in bloom, and the blooms on the Cherry Trees are starting to fade. I will try to get photos up on my main Roses web site sometime this coming week.  Well, at least the photos from this year; the past few years will have to wait a bit.

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