Yes, I know I haven't posted the pictures yet. Soon, soon. Meantime, here is where things stand after the last two years. In terms of the roses:
Comte de Chambord — iffy at best
Double Delight — both trees survived and are in bloom
Dr. Huey — alive and soon to bloom
Falstaff — alive, damaged, no buds yet
Fisherman's Friend — dead
Fragrant Lace — iffy at best
Garden Party — as good as dead
Gertrude Jekyll — dead
Graham Thomas — dead
Heritage — alive and soon to bloom
Lagerfeld — dead
Louise Odier — alive and in bloom
Melody Parfumee — alive but no buds yet
Mme. Isaac Pereire — alive and soon to bloom
Pat Austin — alive and soon to bloom
Peace (tree) — dead
Pierre de Ronsard — alive, damaged, but getting ready to bloom
Queen Elizabeth — alive, damaged, but holding her own with buds
Red Ribbons — alive and soon to bloom
Smooth Velvet — alive and soon to bloom
Sweet Juliet — as good as dead
Tropicana — alive but no buds yet
Winchester Cathedral — as good as dead
Zephirine Drouhin — dead
The Mystery Rose — alive and in bloom. The mystery rose sprang up from the rootstock of the Peace tree that died. The blossoms are small, fragrant, and pink, and my suspicion is that it's either a variety of R. Multiflora or R. Manetti, but I can't be sure. I'll get some photos posted soon and perhaps someone will be able to positively identify it.
As you can see, the past two harsh winters have been very unkind to me and my roses. In terms of the other denizens in the garden, much to my surprise, the Crepe Myrtle woke up, with lots of new growth low on the bush/tree, and I will have to prune away a lot of dead wood from the upper areas. Of the recently planted Delaware Valley White Azaleas, only one of the three has survived. The old one I had has also died. A good portion of the very old red azalea (that predates the house) is now dead, but the remaining part put on a nice show. One of the Peegee Hydrangeas has died, but the other is doing fine. Of the two recently planted China Girl hollies, one died. Most of the bulbs that were planted back in 1998 have now expired, though a few continue to soldier on year after year. I've decided that I will do no planting this year; rather, after removing the old dead plants and filling the holes with topsoil, will allow those spots to lie fallow for a year, hopefully allowing any pathogens (like the rose rosette virus) to die away. There will be time to plant things next year after what will hopefully be a less harsh winter.